perm filename LINDA[AM,DBL] blob sn#168616 filedate 1975-07-16 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00300	The name of my client is Linda F.   She  is  a  twenty-six  year  old
00400	married  woman  who has just completed her M.S.W. and is currently in
00500	search for a job.   I gave her the Draw-A-Person test on June  18  at
00600	three  p.m.  at  her home.  I came back about two weeks later to give
00700	her the Bender Gestalt, again at her home in the evening.  Linda  has
00800	been a friend of mine for two years.
01200	Linda  is  in  good  physical  shape.  She works out at a spa twice a
01300	week.  She is also the outdoors type - hiking and camping a lot.  She
01400	is  usually very neatly dressed and looks good even when trying to be
01500	super casual in jeans, etc.   She is a pretty woman  who  is  usually
01600	quite  cheerful  and  a lot of fun to be with.   She is right handed.
01700	Linda was interested in taking the tests because she had heard a  lot
01800	about them in her studies.  She wanted to know the results as soon as
01900	I learned them.    She  was  in  a  good  mood  both  times  of  test
02000	administration.     However,  her  mood  is  lower  now  due  to  her
02100	non-success in finding a job.
02500	Linda drew the male figure first and she laughed when she saw that it
02600	was a male.  It took her two minutes to complete.  Her second picture
02700	of a female also was completed in two minutes.  She admitted that her
02800	female  figure  was  like a "he-man" figure and laughed at this.  She
02900	drew both figures in normal sequence from the  head  down.    In  the
03000	female  picture  there  was  much  stated  anxiety  about drawing the
03100	breasts.   She also sneered when she drew the arms.   She erased  and
03200	corrected the nose, mouth, hair, and shoes.
03400	The  thing  that  stood  out the most in Linda's two pictures was the
03500	sexual diffusion in the male and the female.  The male looked like  a
03600	female  in  facial  and  hair features and the female had male facial
03700	features.  Possibly this suggests a conflict of  sexual  identity  or
03800	role.
04000	There  is  much  shading over the entire female picture especially on
04100	her face, breast, skirt, arms, and shoes.  This is indicative of much
04200	anxiety  especially  with  the  above  mentioned  parts.   The female
04300	picture is big, yet normally proportioned.   It is  centered  in  the
04400	middle of the page suggesting a balanced personality.
04600	Her  head  is normally proportioned and was drawn first.  My guess is
04700	that her control area is  well  intact.    Her  hair  is  shaded  and
04800	erasures   occured  possibly  suggesting  a  need  to  be  virile  or
04900	aggressive.
05100	The mood of her face is almost a haughty smirk.  I  get  the  feeling
05200	that  she is looking down at the world.  There is also the feeling of
05300	tenseness in her face area.    Her  eyebrows  are  arched  suggesting
05400	haughtiness  or  curiosity.   Her  eyes are so small I can't even see
05500	into them.  One eye does not even look like an  eye  --just  a  line.
05600	Since  one  can not see into them this is perhaps indicative that she
05700	is looking inward at herself and does not want the world to  see  her
05800	true  self.  It could also mean that she does not care to see much of
05900	the outside world.  She told me that other Jungian personality  tests
06000	she  had  taken told her that she was introverted.   Her nose is long
06100	with flaring nostrils.   This suggests a  need  to  be  powerful  and
06200	aggressive.  Her mouth looks tense and forced into a congenial smile.
06300	It suggests to me a condescending smirk.  Her chin is reinforced by a
06400	dark line suggesting again a need for dominance or ascendance.
06600	Her  neck  is  short bringing her head (control area) pretty close to
06700	her trunk (her impulse area).   This suggests that her  impulses  are
06800	pretty much under tight control.
07000	There  is  much sketchiness or jagged lines drawn in her shoulder and
07100	arm areas which may be indicative of anxiety.    Her  right  shoulder
07200	looks  smaller  than  her left shoulder and the left one has the most
07300	sketchiness.  This could indicate a conflict  about  power  strivings
07400	and  possibly  a  conflict  about  her  femininity since according to
07500	Jolles (D.A.P. manual) the left shoulder has  feminine  implications.
07600	Her  arms  continue  to  be  sketchy and jagged at one point possibly
07700	indicating anxiety about their adequacy in carrying out the  commands
07800	of  her  ego.    Her  fingers are talon like suggesting aggression or
07900	assertiveness.   Her right hand does not have  five  fingers  perhaps
08000	again  indicating  an  inadequacy.     Her  left  arm is in an akimbo
08100	position which is an aggressive and hostile stance. Her right arm  is
08200	not  as  bent  as  her  left  and  perhaps  the difference suggests a
08300	conflict.
08500	Her breasts are shaded and since she  made  many  remarks  about  not
08600	drawing  the  breasts  correctly  this  is indicative of much anxiety
08700	about nurturance.  Perhaps she needs more.
08900	The waste line of her skirt seems to separate the  reproductive  area
09000	from  the  impulse  area  suggesting  one more way of controlling the
09100	impulses.  Her skirt is long and hides all of her legs.   Since  this
09200	is  the  current  fashion  it is hard to say if this suggests anxiety
09300	about her legs or not.  Her skirt has much design or  shading  in  it
09400	and I'm not sure what that indicates.
09600	Her  shoes  are  heavily  shaded  and done over and somewhat pointed.
09700	Perhaps this indicates some sexual concern.  The pointedness suggests
09800	some aggressiveness.
10000	The  stance  of  the  picture  as a whole suggests an impatience or a
10100	condescension.  She looks like she is tapping  her  foot  and  saying
10200	"hmmm!" There is suggestion of hostility and aggression and since she
10300	is looking inward perhaps this hostility is directed toward herself.
10500	In  her  inquiry, she thought that the worst part of the body was its
10600	boyish shape. Perhaps this once again hints at a conflict over sexual
10700	identity.  The  hair  was  the  best  part  of  Linda's picture.  She
10800	described her fantasy figure as "single, quite a together chick,  who
10900	is free and pretty happy." Linda said this reminded her of a roommate
11000	of a friend, whom she would "like to be like for a couple years."

11300	Linda did the Bender in five minutes. She made good use of space  and
11400	planned  well,  using  only  one  side  of  one  piece of paper. This
11500	indicates that she is practical, and can organize her world well. She
11600	didn't  indicate a need for structuring: she didn't ask any questions
11700	before or during the test. This showed her ability to  cope  with  an
11800	unstructured situation.
12000	There  was  much erasure in her drawings, suggesting anxiety, but she
12100	did genuinely improve her figures after these erasures.  This  points
12200	to  a  compulsion  about  perfection.  The figures have sharp points,
12300	suggesting some aggression or assertiveness.
12500	Figure A was placed at the top left of the paper, a normal placement.
12600	Linda  is thus not Narcissistic (according to the Bender manual). Her
12700	contact point between the male and female symbols is quite normal and
12800	unstressed.  The point in the male symbol is sharp, again pointing to
12900	aggression.
13100	In figure  1  she  counted  out  the  dots  suggesting  a  compulsive
13200	personality.
13400	Figure  2  was  counted also.  Her mood is pretty steady here and the
13500	only deviation was in the beginning  where  she  rose  a  little  and
13600	stayed there. Her circles are closed suggesting good control.
13800	Figure 3 is well pointed again suggesting assertiveness need.
14000	When she drew figure 4 she drew the male symbol first.  She then drew
14100	half of the "breast" from the corner of the open square and then drew
14200	the  other  half  of the "breast" from the same corner of the square.
14300	This points out the fact that she needs a midpoint  as  a  structure.
14400	There was erasure in the male and female symbols here.
14600	Her  figure  5 shows erasure, to make the picture look more balanced.
14700	The long projection appears to be leaning toward the  right,  perhaps
14800	revealing insecurity about losing control.
15000	The  emotional  figure  6  is  quite  expansive.  Linda  again used a
15100	midpoint to aid her in sketching this. This was her  way  of  coping.
15200	The  figure  is perfectly balanced, indistinguishable from the way it
15300	is drawn on the card.  The  erasure  here  suggests  some  compulsive
15400	anxiety.
15600	She  had  the  most  trouble drawing the dependency (seventh) figure.
15700	Linda sighed and expressed anxiety verbally about  her  inability  to
15800	draw straight lines. Perhaps depency is a touchy conflict area in her
15900	life today. The authority component of this figure is  reinforced  by
16000	dark  lines, suggesting that she still leans on some strong authority
16100	figure. The points in this sketch are again sharp.
16300	Her last figure places her in the center of her world,  although  she
16400	appears quite small and inadequate.
16800	Linda  is a girl who needs control, and who is usually under control.
16900	She  is  slightly  compulsive,  tending  toward  perfectionism.   Her
17000	self-image  seems  low,  and  she seems impatient with herself. Linda
17100	copes with the world by being agressive or  assertive.  Nevertheless,
17200	she requires much support and nurturance from significant others. She
17300	seems not  to  have  a  clearcut  sexual  identity,  since  there  is
17400	considerable   assimilation   in   both  her  D.A.P.  figures.   This
17500	hypothesis was partially confirmed by her Bender.